George Margelis


Hey y'all . That's me in the photo trying to look artistic but not very hipstery and probably failing on both accounts.

Nice of you to have a look at my photos. Although I didn't shoot them with an audience in mind, it's always nice to see people interested in whatever it is you like to spend time on, am I right? Of course I am.

Photography is not my main vocation, which is both a blessing and a curse. I can't plan my life around my photography projects or hope that one day I'll be able to shoot the cover of TIME. On the flipside, I don't have to photograph stuff I don't find interesting. So not the worst deal.

You can find in this website an assortment of the photos I've taken over the years. I used to shoot digital, and now I shoot film mostly, hence the photos are grouped into the digital past and the analogue present. Not sure what that means, but feel free to tell me at g.margelis[at] which type of photos you prefer, if any.  

There's also an Instagram page that will probably contain more text regarding the photos, so if that sort of thing interests you have a look. 

p.s. And just in case you're interested in a print of one of my photos, I'm sure we can work something out.

p.p.s. Photo was taken by Odysseas Pappas. Check him out, he's got some cool stuff